Saturday, December 26, 2020

Преодолеть опасность: Defying Danger, the RPG... in Russian!

Defying Danger the RPG now has the dubious distinction of having been translated more times than I've actually played it!

Alexey Dikevich recently translated the game into Russian. I don't speak Russian or read Cyrillic, so can't speak to the quality of the translation, but the layout seems solid and he's even included an translated example of play (taken from the comments on the original Defying Danger blog post). 

Check it out here:

If you have comments on the translation, or want to send him your thanks, you can reach Alexey at "adikevich" at Gmail.  

You can find the previous translations for Defying Danger here:

If you're interested in doing your own translation, and want the original .PPTX files to work from (yes, yes, I made this in frickin' PowerPoint, don't judge), then let me know in the comments or by emailing me at "jack" underscore "blackfoot" at Yahoo. 

Likewise, if you make your own translation and want me to post it here, let me know!  


  1. This is the biggest of moods. I've got a few games that have more versions of than games run, whoops...

  2. Hello! If you want an spanish translate, i take the .pptx files. I always do that way too.
    I send a mail to you. Thank you for the game Jeremy!

  3. Just to say that the links are mixed... the italian one is pointing to the portuguese version and vice versa.

  4. Actually at the Rogue and Mage sheets it's written to use the same disposable points to reduce harm, that Warrior uses ( рвение) and should be cunning and power
